Education Divides Rather Than Unites Society

The quality of education being delivered varies across private and public schools. Private schools being more costly can only be afforded by the relatively affluent class, whereas, public schools aren’t a burden on the wallet and therefore preferred by the common man. Although some public schools do manage to impart […]

Smartech Education

We provide a wide variety of technical, non technical, vocational, competitive, academic, language classes which are important in getting good jobs. We are more focussed towards providing job based training for which we have strong tie-ups with various companies. Smartech also acts as an e-learning platform for those who want […]

Pallbearers At The Funeral of Higher Education

Accreditation as compared to education is a topic/situation that continues to germinate in our country today. Our future posterity is based solely upon the whims and needs of corporate America – so it seems. Let’s take a look at the demise of our educational system as opinionated by several Philly […]

Education Funding Options

As the cost of higher education continues to rise, many parents and young people struggle with how to cover the cost of college education. Costs of in state and private schools. What are your options when planning for education funding? 529 Plan- These types of plans allow you to contribute […]

Types of Special Education Schools and Classrooms

There are a variety of special education schools and programs in both a private and public settings. Since every child has unique requirements, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. With proper planning and support, your child’s education can be a positive and successful experience. Full Inclusion Classrooms In this type […]

The Importance of Education

For most of the countries the age group between 15-25 years consists of an average of 16%. And this young group holds the role of development of a country. If the policy makers and stake holders can work hand in hand and execute the one key element in the most […]

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