How to Get the Lowest Interest Rates While Refinancing Education Loans

Refinancing education loans might seem complicated. However, it doesn’t have to be. Refinancing is just another option to help you save money by consolidating various education loan balances into one new loan. The new education loan has a lower rate of interest and reduced monthly payments to help you repay the loan amount hassle free. Before getting the approval for refinancing, however, it is crucial to strategize. You need to have a game plan that can help strengthen your case and avail the lowest possible rate of interest. Here’s how to begin.

  • Evaluate Your Cost of Living

Some cities have a higher cost of living than others. Likewise, living alone or with a roommate can significantly affect your expenditures. You must understand that cost of living is an important aspect for refinancing companies to consider. Therefore, it is better to make lifestyle choices that might help you free up more cash. You can start by renting a smaller apartment or leasing out a cheaper car if you’re going to pursue higher education in a city such as Manhattan. Likewise, if you’re relocating to an inexpensive city, it is better to submit an application for refinancing at least two months after you move in. This is an important step because refinancing companies prefer candidates who have a living budget that allows them to have a stable cash flow each month to pay off the loan payments instead of those who scrap their savings.

  • Check Your Credit Score

There are many refinancing companies who consider the borrower’s credit score as a criterion. A good credit report does help secure a low-interest rate on both secured and unsecured education loans. You can significantly improve your credit score by paying all bills in advance in general. It is also helpful to reduce your credit card usage for a few months before submitting the application for a new education loan. There are multiple websites such as annual credit, which can help you evaluate and improve your score.

  • Provide a Complete History

Most refinancing companies require you to provide a thorough insight into your educational qualifications and relevant work experiences. Therefore, if you’ve studied science, math, engineering or business at a reputable school, it always helps your case to include that information. Same goes for the hands-on skills and total work experience because overall, it all makes you attractive as an applicant who can continue to make the payments. Moreover, if you have a job offer in-hand, make sure to include the offer letter in your application.

  • Show All Income Sources

Before submitting your application, make sure you provide information on each and every source of income and not just job earnings. You can list dividends, bonuses, interest earned, and any other money-making prospects. Remember, with a higher income, you will be able to place more cash into the refinancing equation. Therefore, it helps to keep income proofs such as tax returns and interest statements. Moreover, make sure you have a current driver’s license and your private education loan statements are all correct.

  • Be Flexible

If you have multiple education loans and you’re not getting the best possible rate, it is better to refinance only a couple of the loans. There’s a possibility that you can avail lower interest rates with a smaller refinance balance. You always have the option to apply for the full balance later when you have better income sources or you relocate to an inexpensive location. Adding a co-signer also helps improve your chances of approval.

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